Massively Improve Your Internal Community

TL; dr: We provide 1:1 and group coaching for plural, DID & OSDD systems, and provide forward-facing coaching for folks who have traumatic relational injuries (C-PTSD, anxiety, PTSD, and more) regardless of whether you are plural. We also provide case consultations and coaching for professionals working with traumatized clients.

The Problem

Fed up with your current situation? Are you mad, resentful, frustrated with your headmates?

Have you been working for months or years on getting along better inside? Do you want to accelerate your team-building efforts and massively improve your internal relationships?

We are the Crisses — helping multiples vastly improve their internal relationships is what we do. It's our group mission to help more and more multiples get along better with their headmates.

For over 20 years we've been helping multiples develop an amazing crew, handle distress and pressures better, and sort out their internal life so that they face external life with more presence, more poise, more balance.

Once a multiple system has a supportive internal community, they can better handle anything and everything, even treat life like an amazing adventure.

Transform Your Internal Relationships — Forever

I know you've tried. You're mad, resentful, frustrated, fed up with the situation that you're in and you've finally decided maybe you need another option. Something completely different.

If you're serious about working on your internal relationships, then I can help you make massive improvements in your life. It requires 1-2 of your headmates (you included!) on board to start with, minimum. But then we can get to work.

You have to be so fed up that you're ready to do whatever it takes to make things work. Thankfully, internal community is not out of reach, and it doesn't take rocket science or brain surgery to work things out.

Be ready for compromise, for sacrifice, for the hard work of hitting the reset button, changing the things you do that contribute to problems. You'll find inner allies and peacemakers, get on the same page, work things out, find wins together, make rules, have meetings, try new things together.

And then the real work begins. Because life is an adventure, and the treasure you seek is yourself! Yes, even as a multiple — you're seeking the greatest treasure of them all. Knowing yourself, within your system, and the whole lot of you knowing yourselves as a group.

Take No Prisoners!

But the first step is having rules of engagement, making sure your crew gets along well enough to operate the ship, knowing that you have each others' backs both in wellness and illness, and that you're all ready to sail the ship in the same direction.

What you have right now, my friend, is chaos. You don't have a crew for your adventure in life. Your assemblage of ragtag "alters" (we hate that word!) needs a bit of work to even have a conversation.

And that's where I come in. We've been operating consciously and consensually as a group entity for over 30 years. We understand the issues you're facing and how to overcome them, and we're happy to help you round up your potential headmates to address your issues, and get to the point where you can have agreements and start to operate your life like a well-oiled system.

What Does Life Look Like With a Massively Improved Internal Community?

Once our work is done and your crew is working together you'll be able to:

  • manage and improve your daily life skills
  • increase your overall willpower and resilience
  • discover your group goals
  • break group goals into team tasks
  • set your crew and internal teams up to succeed with their tasks
  • build your self-esteem and your system culture

Let's start out with a 30 minute free appointment, and we'll discuss whether you're a good candidate for working on your internal community so that you can make massive progress on building your shared life.

It's All About You

We're here to serve your system as a resource, an external set of many eyes, as a role-model, as someone who has been there and back, and has helped many other multiple systems. We have your best interests at heart — nothing pleases us more than knowing we've liberated another life from internal chaos and their own personal hell — and we'll work on customizing a solution with your internal team. It just takes one or more of you who are absolutely determined to improve your internal relationships and we will work our butts off with you to come up with the skills and resources you need to handle your unique situation.

You don't have to work through this alone!!

This isn't a pre-packaged step-by-step program. We do have a general framework and milestones, but we also know that every multiple system is unique, so we're prepared to completely customize everything to your situation, we will be there with you and hold your hand along the way. We'll brainstorm with you, shine a light on things you're missing, mediate on your behalf, and completely go to bat for you.

You set the goals and the pace, with our help. We'll help you work on a plan for achieving your goals. We'll help you remember, help hold you accountable to what you really want to do, help you debug what isn't working for you, find alternatives, and heck, even help you forgive yourself for procrastination while still working on overcoming your resistance.

When you hire us, you are hiring us to be your internal team's coach. It's your (group) agenda. Even if you don't feel empowered enough to take control of your direction, maybe that's where we'll begin. As your life coach, we're on your team. As a combination of something like a sports coach and cheerleader in the entire Game of Life, we'll fistbump when things go right, hoist you up in celebration when you win, and if you know you're screwing up we're the one who looks you in the eye (if you're comfortable with that) and says "Hey, you'll do better next time!"

Occasionally, a coach asks the hard questions, or shines a light in your dark places while still being there to hold your hand or give you words of encouragement. We've said to people, "Do you realize how often you use words like 'afraid' or 'fear'? Why do you think you're doing that?" Or pointed out how their actions are impacting their internal companions and how did they think a change might alter their relationships. We hold up a mirror so you can see your mindset, your attitudes, your habits, and we explore how even small changes can have a ripple effect and make a larger impact on your life and transform internal adversity into internal companionship.

The question is whether you're willing to take 30 minutes to see if coaching can change your life. Feel free to look around the website — and when you're ready, click "Schedule Appointment" in the sidebar to make an appointment.